The Teachers 4.0 Digital project consists a significant step towards promoting digital media literacy and tackling disinformation in the European region. This innovative initiative has been designed and implemented by a series of distinguished partners, including the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), the Institute of Educational Policy (IEP), the Athens Lifelong Learning Institute and ReadLab, that have joined forces on behalf of Greece. These key institutions, are determined to digitally upskills educators and their students, both on a national and a European level.
An enhanced backing in digital competencies
All Greek partners have a well-established track record in initiatives relating to various aspects of digital media literacy and combating disinformation, bringing invaluable expertise to the Teachers 4.0 Digital initiative. These institutions have managed to contribute significantly to a series of initiatives with similar objectives (such as the European Media Coach, the European Safe Online Initiative, the e-engAged, on behalf of the Athens Lifelong Learning Institute, the ENTICING project where IEP participated, the FutureAbility project by ReadLab etc.) and have been constantly working towards improving the digital skills of European citizens via various educational channels including initiatives such as the Europe 4.0 Digital Citizens and the TRANSFORM projects where the Athens Lifelong Learning Institute participated. Their participation and contribution to the Teachers 4.0 Digital project brings them one step closer to the aspiration of cultivating digital media literacy and modernizing the educational landscape according to the requirements of the digital age.
How did Greece experience the process of digital transition?
Greece still lags behind the European Union’s (EU) Digital Decade targets, despite the progress observed during the last five years. The late entrance of Greece into the digital transition process has left the country with serious structural weaknesses that need to be addressed urgently. According to the Digital Decade Report 2024, the percentage of people with a basic level of digital skills in Greece, accounts to 52.5% of the population in 2024, a percentage which is lower than the EU average of 55.6% for the same year. Another indicator for the relatively weak digital performance of Greece is the percentage of ICT specialists in terms of the share of employment, which accounted to 2,4% in 2024, half the EU average of 4,8%. These data attest that initiatives such as the Teachers 4.0 Digital are needed more than ever, in order to bridge the gap with the current and the desirable level of the country’s digital competencies.
Currently, the focus of the relevant stakeholders has shifted to the digital upskilling of the general public, which respectively will improve the country’s performance. The Teachers 4.0 Digital project contributes significantly to this effort as it equips educators with the necessary knowledge and resources, in order to promote and ensure a digitally literate society.
The Role of Greek Partners in the Teachers 4.0 Digital Project – Current Steps
The presence of the Greek partners in this European project means that its beneficial results will reach Greece, and contribute positively to the national digital objectives. Among them, the Athens Lifelong Learning Institute is a leading expert in media literacy initiatives, offering programs to enhance digital and media literacy skills, combat misinformation, and promote inclusive media literacy. They focus on intergenerational learning and collaborate with various organizations to advance digital and media literacy in Greece and in Europe. Their expertise and commitment to promoting media literacy contribute to a more informed and engaged society.
Achieving a Milestone: The Teachers 4.0 Digital Curriculum
The project consortium has just concluded the development of the Teachers 4.0 Digital Curriculum, along with its supplementary material, which marks a crucial milestone for the development of the project. This ambitious educational resource will provide the educators with a structured framework that will pave the way on how to foster a digitally literate and resilient society, starting from educational spaces. This comprehensive Curriculum has been designed to be taught in the context of a University Course in six European Universities and through an interactive eLearning platform that specifically caters to the needs of the in-service teaching personnel.
The Athens Lifelong Learning Institute along with ReadLab, have undertaken the task of designing and developing the e-Learning Platform that will maximize the reach and impact of the Teachers 4.0 Digital project. This platform will equip educators with a structured framework, in order to empower students and foster a digitally literate and resilient society.
One step closer to bridging the digital gap in Greece
The Teachers 4.0 Digital project functions as a catalyst for change, that adds up to similar projects, with the potential to impact the digital and media literacy landscape in Europe and in Greece. Ultimately, its success will be measured through its impact on students. Cultivating students with strong digital media literacy skills will lead to resilient, active and engaged citizens of the future. In order to do so, the project remains active within a wide spectrum of key areas, including: the digital upskilling of educators, the fight against disinformation and the establishment of a digitally inclusive European society.
A collaborative approach
The Teachers 4.0 Digital project has become a member of multiple partnerships, engaging a variety of stakeholders, including: educators, organizations, policymakers etc. This subsequently facilitates the construction of a network of partners devoted to promoting and ensuring that Europe is and remains digitally literate.
In order to attract the interest of more stakeholders and disseminate the project aim and results, the partnership has organized a series of events, such as workshops, webinars and conferences. These events represent a valuable opportunity for relevant target groups to expand their knowledge on the project, to share their experience and recommend best practices that could be applied in the context of digital literacy education.
The future of digital literacy education in Europe
As the Teachers 4.0 Digital project evolves, its main focus will remain revolving around the subject of the digital upskilling of its target groups. The implementation of a series of pilot programs, will enable the partnership to practically test the effectiveness of the educational material and the e-Learning platform that have been developed. In their own turn, these pilots will provide the partnership with useful insights into the deliverables’ effectiveness and on what adaptations are needed in order to maximize their positive results.
The project, throughout its lifetime, will promote digital-friendly policies in both national and European context. It’s not a limited educational initiative, but rather a movement that will help the citizens of Europe to prepare themselves for the challenges and opportunities presented by the digital age.
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